
Сообщения за август, 2018

Гости премьеры фильма «Звезда родилась»


26 stunning photos that show how much city skylines have changed over the years

You can tell a lot about a city by looking at its skyline. Over the decades, many cities have exploded in size and have introduced ambitious works of architecture to the world. Two decades ago, Dubai was a relatively undeveloped city. Now it's filled with gleaming skyscrapers. And cities like Toronto look virtually unrecognizable compared to a century ago. Here are 13 cities whose skylines look completely different, several decades later. The permission to use some of these photos were obtained through RENTCafé . SEE ALSO:  Disappointing photos show what 21 famous US attractions look like in real life FOLLOW US:  TRAVEL INSIDER is on Facebook Then: New York City Here's the New York City Skyline in 1964, from across the Brooklyn Bridge. Now: New York City In 2016, One World Trade Center dominates lower Manhattan. Then: Dubai In 2000, Dubai's Marina area was mostly dirt. See the rest of the story at INSIDER from Design http://bit.ly/2LLTEQJ

Bonnie Camplin at Kunsthaus Glarus

Artist:  Bonnie Camplin Venue:  Kunsthaus Glarus Exhibition Title:  Epic Time Date:  May 27 – August 18, 2018 Note:  An interview associated with this exhibition is available here Click here to view slideshow Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump. Images: Images courtesy of Kunsthaus Glarus. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Press Release: EPIC TIME details an omnidirectional survey. Individual works are configured as a puzzle to a big whole. It creates a complex web of content-related and visual connections. An invisible system reveals itself through various “access points,” each of which, in turn, allows connection to all other (access) points of the configuration. EPIC TIME is a structure, similar to a neural network that connects different realities, cycles and figures. In various media, Bonnie Camplin (b. 1970, lives and works in London) revolves around universal and complex themes con...

В центре ультракомпактной карликовой галактики найдена сверхмассивная черная дыра

Недавно в журнале Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society вышла статья большой группы астрофизиков об обнаружении и детальном исследовании сверхмассивной черной дыры в центре одной очень необычной и редкой галактики, UCD3, которая относится к малоизученному пока классу ультракомпактных карликовых галактик. Эта работа, выполненная с помощью спектроскопических наблюдений на одном из самых больших телескопов в мире, позволяет лучше разобраться в загадке возникновения таких галактик. http://bit.ly/2NBnUj2

Hubble’s Lucky Observation of an Enigmatic Cloud

The little-known nebula IRAS 05437+2502 billows out among the bright stars and dark dust clouds that surround it. via NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2LK8BTp

Gadget Showdown: Hot Dog Edition

Join the conversation about this story » from Design http://bit.ly/2PlFrfu

People are so obsessed with an old Marriott hotel carpet that they're turning it into outfits

Хотите дольше жить – отдыхайте, как можно больше

Как оказалось, длительность отпуска может повлиять на продолжительность жизни. И те люди, которые отдыхают более трех недель в году – живут дольше, чем те, которые отпуску уделяют меньше времени from http://bit.ly/2LOJi2I http://bit.ly/2NaUVWs

В чем тренируются Равшана Куркова, Дарья Малыгина и Маша Миногарова?


Первые осенние выходные в Москве


5 шведских бьюти-брендов, о которых стоит узнать


Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz at Nagel Draxler

Artists:  Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz Venue:  Nagel Draxler, Cologne Exhibition Title:  There’s no such thing as culture Date:  May 26 – August 31, 2018 Click here to view slideshow Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump. Images: Images courtesy of Nagel Draxler, Cologne Press Release: Myths are narratives that, in the complex human process of adopting to specific environments, have proved culturally pregnant.  By believe they become efficient not true. As it has been repeatedly demonstrated by critical cultural sciences since the first half of the 20th century, myth and culture are not  primal  but  constructed . Critique of culture is therefore possible. The artistic approaches of Jan Kiefer and Pedro Wirz could not appear to be more different. Both create imaginary cultures with completely different visual codes and connotations. Wirz sculptures seem to bespeak a culture of earth...