
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2020

Dozie Kanu at Project Native Informant

Artist:  Dozie Kanu Venue:  Project Native Informant, London Exhibition Title:  Owe Deed, One Deep Date: September 30 – November 13, 2020 Click here to view slideshow Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump. Images: Images courtesy of Project Native Informant, London Press Release: How might one understand mourning, when the event has yet to end? When the injuries not only perdure, but are inflicted anew? Can one mourn for those lost without assuming and usurping the place of the dead, and yet recognize that current injuries tether one to this past? Can one fashion an emancipatory vision not premised on recovery? Can one mourn what has yet ceased happening? And to what “end” are these questions invoked? 1 In Owe Deed, One Deep , Dozie Kanu presents five new sculptures, all completed this year, which stage the seemingly remote anteriority of the past and the disfigured promises of the present, to an inapproachable,

Lauren Denson: Jumping for Joy

With a degree in computer engineering and computer science from the University of Southern California, Lauren Denson is now an quality engineer and supervisor at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. via NASA https://go.nasa.gov/3pv6fwW

Lauren Denson: Jumping for Joy at JPL

With a degree in computer engineering and computer science from the University of Southern California, Lauren Denson is now an quality engineer and supervisor at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. via NASA https://go.nasa.gov/3ku9VeD

Ciprian Muresan at Hussenot

Artist:  Ciprian Muresan Venue:  Hussenot, Paris Exhibition Title:  Incarnation Date: October 10 – November 14, 2020 Click here to view slideshow Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump. Images: Images courtesy of Hussenot, Paris Press Release: After the fall of communism, Lenin’s statue was torn down from its pedestal in Free Press Square in Bucharest. Rumours had it that the bronze in the statue was itself reused from a monument of King Ferdinand of Romania, in its turn destroyed and melted by communists. Before ‘89, the political power in Romania used art and artists for propaganda purposes. Growing up later, I’ve always had the feeling of discharge from this weight, as if my generation was no longer limited in its will to create freely. On the other hand, I’ve also been haunted by the feeling that we were lost and adrift. Being employed by the power generated a feeling of being useful and filled the empty space left by

Как выработать пунктуальность и перестать везде опаздывать

Непунктуальность – плохая привычка, которая может сильно портить тебе жизнь. Она вредит карьере, рушит планы, вызывает недовольство друзей и близких. Да и в целом плохо сказывается на репутации. Что же делать, чтобы перестать опаздывать? from https://bit.ly/3eV0nYN https://bit.ly/32GqdLo

Названы страны, до которых коронавирус еще не добрался

COVID-19 не останавливаясь забирает жизни, и портит здоровье людей. Однако есть страны-счастливчики, которые не пострадали от коронавируса. from https://bit.ly/3lsmMyV https://bit.ly/3pzZWrU

Ученые: повышенное потоотделение назвали признаком очень серьезного заболевания

Во многих случаях организм людей сигнализирует о появившихся проблемах со здоровьем. Ученые считают, что тревожным предвестником опасного заболевания может быть чрезмерная потливость. from https://bit.ly/3eTwVCm https://bit.ly/38DVTor

Метаанализ показал, что многие оценки коэффициента смертности от COVID-19 сильно завышены

Коэффициент смертности (КС) — доля умерших от общего числа заразившихся — важнейший показатель опасности инфекционного заболевания. Первые оценки этого параметра для коронавируса (COVID-19) основывались на данных, получаемых буквально с фронтов, и были устрашающе высоки. Затем, по мере накопления данных, они постепенно снижались. Метаанализ, проведенный Джоном Иоаннидисом, показал, что совокупность имеющихся результатов говорит о весьма умеренной угрозе, которую несет вирус для людей (КС = 0,23%). https://bit.ly/3ksgEpg

Contemporary Art Quarterly: Richard Aldrich

In case you’d like to spend a while absorbed in the universe of a single artist’s practice, you might like to visit  Contemporary Art Quarterly , where we publish deep archives of the work of individual artists. This week, we’re featuring the archive of  Richard Aldrich , where you can find documentation of 32 projects by the American artist. The post Contemporary Art Quarterly: Richard Aldrich first appeared on Contemporary Art Daily . from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/3ng6SIA

Yu Nishimura at Crèvecoeur

Artist:  Yu Nishimura Venue:  Crèvecoeur, Paris Exhibition Title:  Scene of beholder Date: October 16 – November 21, 2020 Click here to view slideshow Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump. Images: Images courtesy of Crèvecoeur, Paris Press Release: In Yu Nishimura’s first exhibition at the gallery, which is also his first exhibition in Europe, there are thirteen paintings, all produced in 2020. The smallest one, Arts and Crafts measures 27.3 × 22 cm, and the largest Thicket , 259 × 182 cm. What immediately comes across is an effect of superimposition of several layers, which provokes a slight misalignment. This shift that occurs in his painting (literally) blurs the frontiers between realism (related to photographic mimesis) and abstraction (the universe inherent to an image), between the foreground and the background, and between the different points of view from which the spectator looks at the painti